Friday, April 17, 2009

Write to Gordon Brown!

Yesterday on 'On the QT' we talked to Eoin Ryan MEP regarding the plans to build 2 new nuclear facilities by the year 2025 at Sellafield, as part of the new British Government energy policy. What is extraordinary about this, is that on April 1st there was a loss of vital coolant water in storage tanks in the high level waste complex. These storage tanks can hold up to 1000 cubic metres of radioactive waste. The reality is that the B30 pond at Sellafield is still home to massive amounts of radioactive waste which has not been adequately treated for decades.

So if this concerns you, why not write to Gordon Brown? Here's his address:

Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA

Let us know how you get on!!


1 comment:

  1. hello, my name is Louise and i am 13 years old and i have pfieffer syndrome. i am writing to you to ask you to please do something about climate change. i want to ask you to think now rather than later. i find this really important as you, me and everyone out there is going to die if we dont do something about this now! I dont want to die in 15-20 years time i want to live my life and i want everyone else to aswell. WE ARE ALL IN DANGER. so please think hard and listen to me. thank you for listerning Louise x
